ifmat - Arya Nik coworkers

Co-workers of Arya Nik

Arya Niroo Nik is a shell company used by Fulmen for some of its operations, according to the European Union; Fulmen Company is involved in procurement for Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities. Fulmen Company participated in the construction ...
ifmat - alborz insurance shareholders

Alborz Insurance owned by the government of Iran

Alborz Insurance is Iranian entity owned and controlled by the government of Iran. According to the annual reports of Alborz Insurace, on the official website, Alborz Insurance shareholders are
ifmat - fooland paya shareholders eng

Shareholders of Foolad Paya Engineering

According to the official website of Foolad Paya Engineering, their shareholders are entities controlled by the Iran Regime and they are designated by the U.S. Treasury Department