Kafolat Bank is one of the foreign banks in Tajikistan. More specifically the Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tajikistan. Opened in 2008 and a controlling stake in the Bank’s shares are in the hands of the Persian people. Kafolatbank affix a kind of banking products including loans, conversion of currency, deposits, money transfers, dealing and more.

Although the Bank is officially working for the Tajik population but in fact aims for the transaction of money between Iran and Tajikistan as the US and most countries zapapa against Iran has long had various sanctions. Bank Kafolat not a large but has a branch in Dushanbe. Rates on deposits with the Bank are not high but the loans are granted at market rates, and almost the same percentage of competitors. At present, the Bank leased the 1st building of 3 storey building in the center of Dushanbe.

Source » ansor.info