Negar Nasr Company

Affiliated with the Basij - holds shares in Iran Khodro and Parsian Bank

Status:High Alert – Entity affiliated with Designated / Sanctioned / Illicit entities

Risk Level:89%

May harm your business future.

This entity is connected with designated / sanctioned entities who are helping Iranian Regime Terrorist Activities & development of WMD

Negar Nasr Company is a company registered in Iran;

One of Iran Khodro’s shareholders is Negar Nasr;

Negar Nasr Company is affiliated with the Basij;

Negar Nasr is a member of Sephr Kish Investment’s board of directors;

Negar Nasr’s is a major player in Iran Khodro;

Also Known As:
Negar Nasr Co.
International Negar Nasr Company

Involved In:
Nuclear Weapon Program
Missile Weapon program


Khark St Tehran Iran

Reason for the color:
» Negar Nasr Company is affiliated with the designated Basij;
» Negar Nasr Company holds shaes in Parsian bank;
» New office of Negar Nasr opened in Qazvin;