The human trafficking of Iranian women and girls has become one of the country’s main social crises. One of the destinations of these women and girls is Turkey. Recently the country’s Head of the State Penitentiary Organization spoke about the different kinds of products and commodities that have been smuggled inside and outside the country.

The shocking part of his speeches was the retrogradation of these events to the traffic of women and girls to the neighboring countries. According to the country’s news agencies, Alireza Jamshidi’s statement in this regard, although not a new word, but in terms of attention to this great problem and more importantly, it was for the first time a document and proof of what the ruling regime has been rejected constantly in recent years and denied the involvement of the rule in this disaster.

In this regard, the state-run news agency website Yekta Press pointed in an article published on June 29 to this disaster, although parts of this report are very shameful, to show the depth of this disaster we have translated it.

“The story of trafficking of women and girls in Iran is one of the biggest personal and social crises of us Iranians, especially in recent years.

“On the other hand, when it comes to trafficking girls to other countries, the regret and conscience of every Iranian must be hurt. But on the other hand, this wounded Iranian conscience and zeal has not done anything and cannot do anything while acting in social and political affairs.

“Meanwhile, Iranian girls, young and vulnerable women are trafficked to other countries. Their photos and videos are published on social networks and documentaries, and finally, because some Iranians are undoubtedly involved in this program, the mirage of earning high and instant income, as well as creating suitable living conditions for trafficked people in those countries, in a short period of time, not only it does not create any contradictions or even problems in the way of this sinister smuggling, but we also see the diversity and expansion of this process every day.”

This outlet revealed a glimpse of the regime’s ideology against the women and wrote: “Another problematic point here is that the trafficking of women and girls is classified in the criteria of measurement and statistics, along with the statistics and the problem of smuggling of goods and commodities. While this may have legal and functionalist justification, human dignity is degraded to the value and price of commodity.”

About the government’s will in dealing with this disaster, this agency wrote: “No action or activity is taken and will not be taken seriously in dealing with or modifying and controlling this trade. Therefore, it is natural to see the spread of this smuggling and illegal trade every day.

“Unemployment and lack of sufficient income for people, the spread of addiction in the country and most importantly the unfortunate statistics of divorce, are one of the most important factors in the trafficking of girls and the export of women to other countries.

“It is natural that by not reducing the number of problems caused corruption, we will not be able to see a decrease in this horrible number of young girls and women who are sold organized and group prostitution in neighboring countries.”

The report about the gained money by the regime’s elements and people close to them wrote: “The other biggest problem is that although this money is illegally acquired as the result of the prostitution of these women, it is used as the currency imported in the country in the housing, beauty and even luxury shopping sectors. Understanding such issues, as well as using coherent and enacted laws to distinguish between currencies imported into the country through legitimate means, and these in a subject requires an efficient and effective economy, which our current economy only mimics its name.”

The article added, “the situation of trafficking in women and girls is much more critical than what is being said” and added:

“The situation of girl trafficking to the Persian Gulf countries has created a very toxic competitive arena. But in Turkey, especially in the region of Analia and Antalya, the situation of trafficked Iranians is much worse. Most of them are engaged in organized activities without a license and under the supervision of health and medical care.

“Although this situation has undoubtedly created full-fledged sexual slavery for Iranian girls and women, the income of this work and even the amount of money in this sinister trade has led many of them to such unhealthy sexual situations.

“In Georgia, too, due to the boom in the country’s cities in recent years, and in order to attract tourists and set up gambling and prostitution centers, there has been a shameful competition between female traffickers and the heads of the country’s internal gangs.

“One of the therapists in Tehran, who did not want to be named in the report, said: ‘He is currently facing prostitutes seeking psychological treatment when they return to the country. High-risk sexual situations and the frequent repetition of this process make them patients who are in a very uncomfortable and dangerous situation.’ According to this psychotherapist, many of them have even lost control of their normal and social behaviors and can now act as a sex bomb in Tehran.

Finally expressing the result of this crisis, it wrote: “Hence, the biggest moral crisis in the country has not only been formed but is also progressing and increasing.” (Yekta Press, 29 June 2021)

Interestingly, right one day after the publication of this report, the state-run website Salam-e-no on June 30 in a short report about the trial of a human trafficker named Alex wrote: “This criminal group, led by a person nicknamed ‘Alex’, trafficked and sold Iranian girls abroad for sexual exploitation for 3 years due to their extensive connections in different countries.

“But in order to secure his elements in Iran, Alex found some influential supporters among the authorities. One of the supporters, nicknamed ‘Doki’, was an influential government official who on several occasions released Alex gang girls from police custody.” (Salameno, June 30, 2021)

The U.S. Department of State in its report of human trafficking, ‘2021 Trafficking in Persons Report’ included the Iranian government under the section of government’s involved in trafficking and wrote:

“The 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report marked the first time the U.S. Department of State applied this new provision, finding 12 governments had a “policy or pattern” of trafficking, including: Afghanistan, Belarus, Burma, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, and Turkmenistan.

“The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report includes the following 11 governments with a documented “policy or pattern” of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers:

Korea, North
South Sudan

Source » iranfocus