Quds Force in Africa: exposed

1. Name of the unit: Saraya Zahraa (Zahraa squads).

2. Commanders:

a. Ismail Mohamad Djida, acting commander.

b. Michel Djotodia, the leader of the African Seleka militia.

c. Ali Parhoon, a senior officer in Quds Force’s Unit 400 who specializes in Africa.

3. Objectives:

a. Attacking Western targets in the Central African Republic and Niger.

b. Pursuing political subversion in various African countries. The Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan, Gambia, and Eritrea in order to help pro-Iranian elements rise to power.

c. Setting up additional terror groups in Cameroon, Ghana, Congo, and Niger.

4. Budget: Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

5. Capabilities:

a. Firing small arms and use of light weapons.

b. Laying ambushes.

c. Use of covert operational communications.

d. Urban warfare.

ifmat - Exposed Quds Force in Africa