Parto Zist Behboud is Iranian company. It provides services to Shahid Sanikhani Industries, which is subordinate to Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group (SBIG) according to information on their official website. Services include molecular spectroscopy, liquid chromatography, as well as elemental, particle size, thermal, and carbon analysis.

Shahid Sanikhani Industries is designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13382 for being owned or controlled by Iran’s Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group (SBIG), Shahid Sanikhani Industries is subordinate to SBIG and is responsible for casting and curing solid-propellant for Iran’s solid-propellant ballistic missiles.

Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group is subordinate entity of the Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), also Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group is involved in manufacturing ballistic missiles for Iranian regime.

ifmat - Parto Zist Behboud Shaheed Sanai Khani Industries1

Customers of Parto Zist Behboud. (Official website of Parto Zist Behboud

ifmat - Parto Zist Behboud Shaheed Sanai Khani Industries

Customers of Parto Zist Behboud. (Official website of Parto Zist Behboud translated in English)

Source » Parto Zist Behboud