Rahnegar is one of the most active company in the fields of strategic planning, policy and technology management, human resources management and some related fields in Iran.

According to their official website their customers and partners are:
1. National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)
– Iranian government energy company overseen by Iran’s Ministry of Petroleum; has provided support to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC);
– According to the Treasury Department’s designation of MODAFL as an Iranian entity subject to sanctions, it is responsible for overseeing Iran’s Defense Industries Organization (DIO) and has been subject to sanctions previously for “missile technology proliferation activities.”;
3. Bonyad Mostazafan Foundation
– Controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Supreme Leader of Iran;
4. Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO)
– Executive Headquarters of Imam’s Directive, is a parastatal in the Islamic Republic of Iran, under direct control of the Supreme Leader of Iran;
5. Mahtab Gostar
– Working with companies that are owned or controlled by the regime;
6. Sharif University
– Provides support to Iran’s nuclear program and has assisted entities in evading international sanctions;
7. Pardis
8. Alco
9. Tavaniir
10. Shoraie Enghelab Farhangi
11. Modiriat Sanati

ifmat - Rah Negar customers and partners