Sihang Haochen Trading

Puyuan Trade brokered sales of tens of millions of dollars of condensate to Hong Kong-based HK Sihang Haochen Trading Limited

Status:Top Alert – Entity designated / sanctioned for terror, WMD and human rights violation

Risk Level:99%

May harm your business future. Persons or entities that engage in transactions with this entity will be exposed to sanctions or subject to an enforcement action.

Working with this entity means supporting Iranian Regime, Regime Terrorist Activities & development of WMD

Sepehr Energy uses companies in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates to sell billions of dollars’ worth of commodities to customers in Europe and East Asia.

In the past year, at Sepehr Energy’s direction, Hong Kong-based Puyuan Trade Co., Limited (Puyuan Trade) brokered sales of tens of millions of dollars of condensate to Hong Kong-based HK Sihang Haochen Trading Limited. Sepehr Energy, through its brokerage agreement with Puyuan Trade, sought to obfuscate the sale of Iranian goods by marketing it as Malaysian-origin.

Sepehr Energy relies upon the services of Iranian exchange houses to transfer funds to MODAFL-controlled bank accounts in coordination with the AFGS. Iranian exchange houses serve as key conduits in multijurisdictional Iranian “shadow banking” networks, establishing front companies abroad to enable trade for Iranian clients. Sepehr Energy also shipped products via the National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), which was designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, on October 26, 2020 for its support to the IRGC-QF.

“The IRGC-QF and MODAFL continue to engage in illicit finance schemes to generate funds to fan conflict and spread terror throughout the region,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson. “The United States remains committed to exposing elements of the Iranian military and its complicit partners abroad to disrupt this critical source of funds.”

The Iranian government allocates billions of dollars’ worth of commodities, including oil, to Iranian military entities, including MODAFL and the AFGS as part of the Iranian military’s annual budget. This includes specific commodity allotments for MODAFL, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and the AFGS, which sell the commodities to foreign buyers to generate revenue.

Involved In:
Missile Weapon Program

Also Known As:
HK Sihang Haochen Trading Limited

Organization Established Date:
03 Jan 2022


12th Floor San Toi Building 137-139, Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Commercial Registry Number:
3117975 (Hong Kong)

Reason for the color:
» Added to the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on November 29, 2023 pursuant to Executive Order 13224, as amended, for having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, Sepehr Energy;