Siavash Nourian

Siavash Nourian is the owner of Iranian exchange house Siavash Nourian & Co. Exchange, which is used by the MODAFL Supply Division for a wide ...
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Mir Mohammad Ali

Seyyed Reza Mir Mohammad Ali (Mir Mohammad Ali) is a key confidant of the MODAFL Supply Division and the CEO and owner of Iran-based Atropars ...
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Ramin Jalalian

Ramin Jalalian is an Iranian currency exchanger and businessman who has managed several currency exchange businesses in Iran and the UAE in coordination with the ...
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Reza Kazemifar Rahman

Reza Kazemifar Rahman, another IRGC-CEC cyber actor, has been involved in operational testing of malware intended to target job seekers with a focus on military ...
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Zahra Abdi Asjerd

Chairman of the board of directors of Bonyan Danesh Shargh, a company that reportedly operates a remote-sensing satellite for Iran in partnership with Russian companies
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Hojat Abdulahi Fard

Hojat Abdulahi Fard is designated pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for having acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or ...
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