Ansar Allah al-Awfiya

The Department of State designated Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya (HAAA) and HAAA Secretary General Haydar Muzhir Ma'lak al-Sa'idi as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. HAAA is ...
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Islamic Republic of Iran has given a new operational headquarters to al-Qa’ida, the terrorist network with more American blood on its hands than any other. ...
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IRGC Qods Force – Unit 840

Unit 840 in Syria is a relatively secretive operational unit, which is responsible, among other things, for planning and establishing terror infrastructure outside Iran against ...
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Saraya Al-Mukhtar

The United States designated the Bahrain-based Saraya al-Mukhtar group as a terrorist organization, accusing it of being backed by Iran and of having plotted attacks ...
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Kataib al-Imam Ali

Kataib al-Imam Ali is closely connected to older Iraqi Shia Islamist organizations, parties and militias, as well as to the Iranian Quds Force
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