A front company for Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO);
Involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program;
Used by AIO for procurement since at least 2003, according to the U.S. Treasury Department;
Also Known As:
Safety Equipment Procurement
Safety Equipment Procurement Inc.
Involved In:
Missile Weapon Program
P.O. Box 16785-195, Tehran, Iran
Reason for the color:
» Listed in an annex to U.N. Security Council resolution 1803 of March 3, 2008, because of links to Iran’s proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; requiring (with some exceptions) states to freeze financial assets on their territories which are owned or controlled by the entity, by its agents, by entities it owns or controls, or by entities determined by the Security Council to have assisted the designated entity in evading sanctions, and to ensure that any funds, financial assets or economic resources are prevented from being made available to it;