Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli – Involved In

ifmat-Inside Iran coronavirus crisis provided by MEK and NCRI

Inside Iran’s coronavirus crisis provided by MEK and NCRI

After the emergence of the novel coronavirus in China, many states adopted pre-emptive measures to protect their nations against the disease. Due to the Iran-China partnership, the Iranian government ...
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ifmat-Rouhani asks Khamenei for 1Billion dollars to fight Coronavirus

Rouhani asks Khamenei for 1Billion dollars to fight Coronavirus

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says he has sent a letter to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei seeking his permission to withdraw one billion dollars from the country's foreign currency reserve ...
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ifmat - Iranian rulers risking many lives by concealing coronavirus

Iranian rulers risking many lives by concealing coronavirus

Evidence shows that the Iranian government is definitely concealing news over the country’s coronavirus outbreak. As a result, the Iranian people are paying the price of regime’s efforts seeking ...
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ifmat - At least 23 children killed by Iranian security forces in November protests

At least 23 children killed by Iranian security forces in November protests

An investigation by Amnesty International has uncovered evidence that at least 23 children were killed by Iranian security forces in the nationwide protests in November last year
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ifmat - Report about coronavirus in Qom Iran

Report about coronavirus in Qom Iran

According to an eyewitness report, the Iranian regime severely conceals the death toll of the coronavirus in Qom city. Given the risk of arrest, the source preferred to be ...
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ifmat - Iran officials admit to MEK popularity

Iran officials admit to MEK popularity

Iranian officials have recently begun to acknowledge the role of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in leading the protests in Iran, as well as its international policymaking
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