Asghar Mahmoudi – Involved In

A Palestinian State Will Serve as a Bridge for Iran’s Plan to Destroy Israel

The Biden administration adheres to the "two states for two nations" plan and sees it as a central component in shaping the Middle East post operation Swords of Iron. ...
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Iran expands intelligence footprint in Turkey through diplomatic facilities

Iran has been expanding its diplomatic and consular presence across Turkey by acquiring and constructing additional properties, a move facilitated by the favorable stance of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ...
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Iranian woman faces 18 years in prison for condemning Oct. 7 attacks

Prominent Iranian political prisoner Fatemeh Sepehri, who in the past has criticized the Islamic Republic, has been sentenced to an additional 18 and a half years in prison after ...
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Iranian Dissident Receives 18 Years in Prison After Supporting Israel

Fatemeh Sepehri, a prominent Iranian political prisoner and vocal critic of the Islamic Republic who suffers from a heart ailment, has been sentenced to an additional 18 and a ...
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Iran Escalates Crackdown on Cafes Serving Alcohol Secretly

Iranian law enforcement agencies have recently widened their crackdown on cafes secretly serving alcohol to customers, with two cafes in Tehran province sealed by authorities in the last week. ...
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Iran’s deeper strategy in Syria and Lebanon

Summary The war in Gaza is pushing the shadow conflict between Iran and Israel out into the open. There is a grave risk that this escalates further in Lebanon ...
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