Ayoub Soleimani – Involved In

ifmat - Iran continues to hand down cruel punishments

Iran continues to hand down cruel punishments

A 27-year old man was sentenced to three years in prison and 74 lashes for “stealing a chicken” in Laly city in the southwestern...
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ifmat - Regime prosecutor-General is not happy that Iran is not amputating more people hands

Regime prosecutor-General is not happy that Iran is not amputating more people’s hands

Iran's Prosecutor-General has expressed regret on Wednesday that not enough people in his country are being punished for crimes...
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ifmat - Iranian regime prosecutor criticizes low amputation rates to avoid international reactions

Iran’s prosecutor criticizes low amputation rates to avoid international reactions

Iran’s Attorney-General has expressed regret that a number of “divine punishments” are set aside to save Iran...
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ifmat - Report on human rights abuses in Iran

Report on human rights abuses in Iran

The Iran Human Rights Monitor has released its report into the state of human rights in Iran during March 2018 and, as always, it makes for unpleasant reading…
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