Kataib Sayyid al-Shuhada – Involved In

Iran building jihadi proxy armies to stretch Israel’s air defense

Iranian-backed Shi’ite terrorist militias in Syria and Iraq are consistently using long-range unmanned aerial vehicles to target Israel’s Red Sea city of Eilat on a regular basis. These UAVs, ...
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Four U.S.-Designated Terrorist Groups Rush to Support Judge Faeq Zaidan

Iran-backed militias were quick to defend the judge after he was accused of being a tool for Iranian influence. On June 27, U.S. congressman Michael Waltz (R-FL) posted on ...
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Iran Mulls Iraqi Armed Factions’ Plans to Support Hezbollah

Leaders of various Iraqi armed factions are studying “preliminary” plans to support the Hezbollah party in Lebanon should a war erupt between it and Israel. The plans are not ...
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Why US terror designation for Iraqi-based terror group matters

The US State Department on Monday designated Iraqi-based militia Harakat Ansar Allah al-Awfiya as a terrorist group. This is important because it shows the US continues to be focused ...
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How Iran Seeks to Exploit the Gaza War

In the shadow of the Gaza conflict, armed groups aligned with Iran have stepped up a campaign aimed at pushing the U.S. to end its military deployments in Iraq ...
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Iran’s Network Across the Middle East

Iran has considered itself at war with the United States and its Middle East allies since the revolution of 1979, and it has used proxy forces to varying extents ...
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