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ifmat - Iran is nearing collapse under the strain of Covid-19

Iran is nearing collapse under the strain of Covid-19

Tens of millions are reeling under an unholy trinity of pandemic, US sanctions, and government misrule.
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ifmat - Iran Air is selling off part of its fleet of vintage western Airliners

Iran Air is selling off part of its fleet of vintage western Airliners

Today, many airlines are desperate to dispose of older aircraft equipment and Iran is no exception, but the types it wants to unload are old. Really, really old.
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ifmat - With blatant Lies Tehran Hopes To Tamper Public Outrage Over Coronavirus

With “Blatant Lies,” Tehran hopes to tamper public outrage over Coronavirus

In mid-March, the Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani praised his regime for its supposed transparency regarding the country’s coronavirus outbreak. “We learned on February 19 that coronavirus had come,” ...
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ifmat - Iran and Venezuela strategic challenge to sanctions

Iran and Venezuela’s strategic challenge to sanctions

In any other year, the recent claim by Colombian President Ivan Duque that Venezuela is actively looking to acquire medium- to long-range missiles from Iran, the world’s leading state ...
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ifmat - US curbs Iranian regime’s weapons ambitions – US Embassy in Georgia

U.S. curbs Iranian regime’s weapons ambitions – US Embassy in Georgia

The U.S. is taking action against the Iranian regime’s weapons programs to stop it from spreading violence across the Middle East and beyond.
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ifmat - Detained Colombia businessman was negotiating with Iran for Venezuela

Detained Colombia businessman was negotiating with Iran for Venezuela

A Colombian businessman detained in Cape Verde in June was on a mission to Iran as a special envoy of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to negotiate fuel and humanitarian ...
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