ifmat - Disabled man executed on wheelchair

Disabled man executed on wheelchair

According to Iran Human Rights (IHR) sources, death-row prisoners Ahad (Vahid) Salehi and Nader Hosseini were hanged on February 29, 2020, at the central prison of Mashhad city, Khorasan Razavi province. Both were sentenced to death for ...
ifmat - Iranian rulers risking many lives by concealing coronavirus

Iranian rulers risking many lives by concealing coronavirus

Evidence shows that the Iranian government is definitely concealing news over the country’s coronavirus outbreak. As a result, the Iranian people are paying the price of regime’s efforts seeking a large turnout for the February 11 pro-regime ...
ifmat - Iran hospitals can not cope with coronavirus

Iran hospitals cannot cope with coronavirus

Iranian hospitals are “underequipped and overcapacity” because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and are finding it difficult to admit new patients, according to local reports
ifmat - 1500 Iranians dead from coronavirus

1500 Iranians dead from coronavirus

At least 200 more people have died from the coronavirus in Iran over the past 24 hours, according to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), bringing the total to over 1,500
ifmat - Inside the systematic hoarding of face masks in Iran

Inside the systematic hoarding of face masks in Iran

Evidence shows that the “Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order (EIKO)” has hoarded millions of face masks, while many Iranians daily fall victim to lack of face masks, special gowns, and other medical items. This flagrant profiteering comes ...