ifmat - What is Novo Nordisk from Denmark hiding in Iran

What is Novo Nordisk from Denmark hiding in Iran?

In order to gain access to the promising Iranian market, Novo has allied itself with a business empire funded and financed by the seisure of land and property belonging to pro democracy activists, persecuted religious minorities, exiled ...
ifmat - Iran budget approved but its not a good thing

Iran budget approved but its not a good thing

The Iranian parliament (Majlis) has finally approved the government’s 2021-22 budget bill following a month of arguments between the members of the parliament and the members of President Hassan Rouhani’s cabinet.
ifmat -Khamenei engineered election and hard days

Khamenei engineered election and hard days

‘Elections’ and ‘people’ are two words that have been transformed from their original concepts under the religious tyranny ruling Iran. What is called elections in the clerical culture is not synonymous with the common definition of the ...
ifmat -Destruction of Iran economy by the heads of the government

Destruction of Iran’s economy by the heads of the government

Newspapers from both of Iran’s ruling factions have examined inflation and poverty in every aspect of the devastated economy. In each sentence of their economic articles, there is not a single positive case regarding the economic and ...
ifmat - Iranian Supreme Leader vows avenge murdered nuclear scientist

Coup de Grace to 42 Years of Iran’s Propaganda

On the anniversary of Iran’s revolution in 1979, the day after that the regime’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini dominated a destructive dynasty and spread a history of total depravity and distrust, now at the final stages of this ...