ifmat - Iran faces global anti-terrorism financing watchdog blacklist

Iran faces global anti-terrorism financing watchdog blacklist

A global dirty money watchdog is likely to place Iran on its blacklist on Friday after it failed to comply with international anti-terrorism financing norms, a move that would further isolate the country from financial markets, two ...
ifmat - 15 million Iranian bank accounts were breached

15 million Iranian bank accounts were breached

After months of scandals around the security camera Ring and its controversial partnerships with law enforcement, perhaps it was inevitable that the Amazon-owned company would face a far more common sort of scandal for sellers of internet-connected ...
ifmat - Malaysian banks block Iranian bank accounts

Malaysian banks block Iranian bank accounts

Mahathir bin Mohammed, the 94-year-old Prime Minister of Malaysia, made a statement today claiming that Iranian expatriates living in his country were being “bullied” because Malaysian banks were closing their accounts