ifmat - Russia to aid Iran in major sanctions skirting energy megaprojects

Russia to aid Iran in major sanctions-skirting energy megaprojects

Alongside the continued development of its huge West Karoun oil fields, the completion of the supergiant South Pars non-associated gas offshore sector (including the implementation of Phase 11 operations), and the finalisation of the crude oil transfer ...
ifmat - Iran seeking expansion of trade ties with Pakistan

Iran seeking expansion of trade ties with Pakistan

Mentioning his upcoming visit to Tehran for attending the two countries' ninth Joint Economic Committee meeting, Dawood said: “This meeting was due to be held in October but following the escalation of the coronavirus spread the event ...
ifmat - Iran - Khamenei crocodile tears for nurses

Iran – Khamenei’s crocodile tears for nurses

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei cried for healthcare workers on television on Sunday, December 20. However, it was all an act to distract people from the ten months that the ruling system has spent lying about and ...