ifmat - Iran using media to corrupt Afghan national languages

Iran using media to corrupt Afghan national languages

The vibrant new media in Afghanistan is a visible sign of the country’s rise from the Taliban medieval darkness. Hundreds of professional new TV channels, radio, newspapers, and the online press have developed since the 2001 American ...
ifmat - Iranian regime uses media to demonize opposition

Iranian regime uses media to demonize opposition

A French daily newspaper, founded by the famous philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre in 1973, is the latest to join the ignoble list of so-called left-wing media organs to demonize the main Iranian democratic opposition movement.
ifmat - Netanyahu confirms that Iran is building ICBM

Netanyahu confirms that Iran is building ICBM

In an interview given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the US-based Hudson Institute, Netanyahu confirmed that Iran is developing an intercontinental ballistic missile. It was the first time for an Israeli prime minister to make such ...
ifmat - Germany France and UK concerned by Iran uranium enrichment plan

Germany France and UK concerned by Iran’s uranium enrichment plan

Germany, France and Britain said yesterday that they are "deeply concerned" by Iran's announcement that it intends to install additional, advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges at the Natanz plant, and of parliamentary legislation that could lead to expanding ...