ifmat - Albanian police arrest another Iran agent for spying on MEK

Albanian police arrest another Iran agent for spying on MEK

The Albanian police revealed on Saturday that they had arrested an Iranian intelligence agent for spying on the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in Ashraf 3, Albania, which shows that it is necessary for all European ...
ifmat - Human rights in Iran is a sick joke

Human rights in Iran is a sick joke

When the secretary-general of the Iranian Judiciary's High Council on Human Rights claims that the theocratic regime's human rights "achievements" must be presented to the world, then we know that comedy and farce are not dead in ...
ifmat - US will prevent Iran from receiving Chinese weapons says Pompeo

U.S. committed to Saudi Arabia to deter Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday said the U.S. is committed to providing robust arms sales to Saudi Arabia as partners in confronting Iran’s actions in the region.
ifmat - Iran hostage taking government only responds firmness

Iran’s hostage-taking government only responds to firmness

Forty-one years ago, in February 1979, Iran was taken hostage by fundamental clerics led by Ruhollah Khomeini, who later became the first supreme leader of the Islamic Republic. Earlier, the Iranian people had taken to the streets, ...
ifmat - IRGC in destroying the environment

IRGC in destroying the environment

The role of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) in destroying the environment, is among the areas that the IRGC has destroyed in the last four decades.