ifmat - Iran state TV airs forced confession of exiled journalist

Iran state TV airs forced confession of exiled journalist

Iranian state television aired Monday footage showing Rouhollah Zam, editor-in-chief of the Paris-based Amadnews website, after he was arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as part of a “complicated intelligence operation
ifmat - Iran detained 2nd French researcher

Iran detained 2nd French researcher

Iran has been holding a second French researcher in custody for months, France’s foreign ministry said Wednesday, denouncing the detention as “unacceptable” and demanding his release
ifmat - Corruption in Iran can not be stopped

Corruption in Iran cannot be stopped

There has been much talk about the extent of corruption in Iran’s economical system and statistics have been published enough, but sometimes in Iran statistics are published that are astonishing, even that it is not hidden that ...
ifmat - Iranian economy is expected to shrink

Iranian economy is expected to shrink

Iran’s economy is expected to shrink by 9.5% this year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Tuesday. Reports from Iran’s state-run media also indicated a sharp drop in Iran’s industrial production