What Mohammad Reza Zahedi’s Death Means for Iran

Israel conducted one of its most audacious attacks against Iran’s armed entrenchment in years on Monday, killing Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy and destroying what Iran said was its consular building in

Many Iranian options to retaliate against Israel

Iran faces a dilemma following an Israeli attack on its embassy in Syria: how to retaliate without sparking a broader conflict that Middle East analysts said Tehran doesn't appear to want. Monday's strike, which

The coming Iranian response to Syria strike

Hezi Simantov, a commentator and correspondent for Arab affairs of 'News 13', spoke Tuesday morning with Nissim Mashal and Anat Davidov on 103FM about the assassination of the senior Iranian Mohammad Reza Zahedi

The Iranian regime is an existential threat to America

Americans must wake up to the existential threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. US democracy and Western democracy in general are under unprecedented attack by forces that are headed by the extremist fundamentalist