Reflecting on Argentina’s Move Against IRGC

On the 23rd of April, Argentina took a bold step on the international stage, highlighting a stark lesson in accountability and justice. By requesting Interpol to arrest Iran’s Interior Minister, Ahmad Vahidi

Sinwar and the Hamas leadership abroad

The Egyptians and Qataris have been negotiating with Hamas leaders in Qatar and Lebanon in a bid to reach an agreement that would result in a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of the Israeli ...

A Better Plan for Sanctioning Iranian Airlines

Amid a raft of new sanctions stemming from Iran’s attack on Israel, the United States and its European allies also recently warned that further sanctions may be forthcoming if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles

Iran Plans To Build More Nuclear Plants

The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization has reiterated plans to expand the number of nuclear power plants, aiming to reach a production capacity of 20,000 megawatts of nuclear electricity. Mohammad Eslami

North Korea officials visit Iran in rare public trip

A North Korean delegation led by the cabinet minister for international trade is visiting Iran, the North's official media said on Wednesday in a rare public report of an exchange between the two countries believed