ifmat - Power struggle at had of ruling Regime in Iran

Power struggle at had of ruling Regime in Iran

Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, understanding the structure of the ruling system in Iran and the decision-making mechanism, at times, has sometimes been challenging and difficult to understand and analyze.
ifmat - Iran between clash and response

Iran between clash and response

Ever since a US missile killed Iran’s most important general almost a year ago, the regime has been vowing revenge, with the latest threat coming just last week. Yet aside from a barrage of missile strikes on ...
ifmat - IRGC commander inspects Iran border with Karabah

IRGC commander inspects Iran’s border with Karabah

The commander of the ground forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Brigadier General Muhammad Pakpour, inspected on Saturday morning, the border strip of the Ars River between the eastern Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran and the Karabakh ...