ifmat - Iran official says joining FATF conventions will affect IRGC

Iran official says joining FATF conventions will affect IRGC

A key official in Iran has said that meeting the requirement of the Palermo Convention against transnational crimes and the convention against funding terrorism (CFT) will allow foreign powers to monitor the activities of the Islamic Revolution ...
ifmat - Iran regime breaches another nuclear deal cap

Iran regime breaches another nuclear deal cap

Iran has breached another limit of its nuclear deal with major powers by accumulating more than 130 tonnes of heavy water, a moderator used in a type of reactor Iran is developing, a report by the U.N. ...
ifmat - Qatar knew in advance of Iranian plans to attack ships

Qatar knew in advance of Iranian plans to attack ships

A western intelligence report showing Qatar knew in advance of Iranian plans to attack four ships off the coast of the UAE could have “devastating” legal implications for Doha, an international relations expert said
ifmat - Iranian threats to Israel and the wider Middle East

Iranian threats to Israel and the wider Middle East

On Oct. 25, Israeli newspapers ran headlines quoting Israeli army Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, who said, “On both the northern and southern fronts, the situation is tense and fragile, and could deteriorate into a confrontation.” That’s ...
ifmat - Protests in Iran continue despite use of lethal force

Protests in Iran continue despite use of lethal force

The spokesman for President Hassan Rouhani’s administration claimed in a news conference on Monday morning that compared to the previous day there have been less protest demonstrations in Iran on Monday
ifmat - Secret cables show extent of Iranian grip on Iraq

Secret cables show extent of Iranian grip on Iraq

Earlier this month, Iran stepped in to prevent the ouster of Iraqi Prime Minister Abdel Abdul Mahdi by two of Iraq’s most influential figures amid weeks of anti-government demonstrations
ifmat - Iran developed vast influence in Iraq

Iran developed vast influence in Iraq

Hundreds of leaked Iranian intelligence reports reveal the depth of Tehran's influence in neighbouring, now protest-torn Iraq, The New York Times and The Intercept reported Monday