Palestinian Islamic Jihad – Involved In

ifmat - Why the plot to kill John Bolton is in the DNA of the Iranian regime

Why the plot to kill John Bolton is in the DNA of the Iranian regime

For the past year, unbeknown to the citizens of Washington D.C., an assassin had allegedly been stalking the streets of the US capital searching for a prime target: A ...
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ifmat - Iran guards chief says Palestinians not Alone in fight against Israel

Iran guards chief says Palestinians ‘not Alone’ in fight against Israel

The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said Saturday that the Palestinians are "not alone" in their fight against Israel after the latest escalation between the Jewish state and one ...
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ifmat - Tehran wants proxy Palestinian Islamic Jihad to keep attacking Israel

Tehran wants proxy Palestinian Islamic Jihad to keep attacking Israel

The Israeli Air Force and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket squads in the Gaza Strip engaged in yet another round of violence over the weekend.
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ifmat - Iranian officials now openly say regime has ability to make nuclear bomb

Iranian officials now openly say regime has ability to make nuclear bomb

Iranian officials now speak openly about something long denied by Tehran as it enriches uranium at its closest-ever levels to weapons-grade material: The Islamic Republic is ready to build ...
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ifmat - Senior Iranian diplomat Israeli regime surrounded by resistance front doomed to collapse

Senior Iranian diplomat: Israeli regime surrounded by resistance front, doomed to collapse

A top Iranian official says Israel has been caught off guard and is encircled by the resistance front, adding that normalization of ties between the Tel Aviv regime and ...
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Hamas as Tehran’s Agent

Since the late 1980s, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been plying the Hamas terrorist group with cash and weapons while also teaching it how to be self-sufficient. With ...
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