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Iranian company with ties to regime operates in Dusseldorf

According to a Bild report, a company with ties to the Iranian regime has been operating in Düsseldorf, Germany. The company, Mapna Europe GmbH, is a branch of the ...
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ifmat - Iran reveals plans to build new nuclear research reactor

Iran reveals plans to build new nuclear research reactor

Iran says it plans to build a new research reactor at its nuclear site in Isfahan Province, with construction set to start in the next several weeks.
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Iranian Rights Group says prisoner suffering from mental illness executed

Iran Human Rights Organization says Mohsen Safari, who was convicted on narcotics charges, has been executed despite a doctor's diagnosis that he suffered from a mental disorder.
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ifmat - US says Iran preparing to send drones to Russia for use in Ukraine war

U.S. says Iran preparing to send drones to Russia for use in Ukraine war

The U.S. government has said it believes Iran is planning to provide Russia with "hundreds" of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including weapons-capable drones, for use in its war in ...
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ifmat - IOOC adds oil well at Esfand offshore Iran

IOOC adds oil well at Esfand offshore Iran

Iranian Offshore Oil Co. has brought onstream the SIE-E1P6 well at the Esfand oil field in the Persian Gulf.
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ifmat - Iran meddling must be tackled before Iraq elections US tells US

Iran’s meddling must be tackled before Iraq elections U.S. tells U.N.

The United States said onTuesday that creating a conducive environment for elections inIraq later this year includes tackling Iran-backed militias,Iran's destabilizing activities in the country and remainingIslamic State elements.
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