Yousef Ali Muraj – Involved In

IRGC Unveils New Suicide Drone For Land Warfare

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has manufactured a new suicide drone that is expected to considerably boost the combat capabilities of its ground troops. The new suicide drone, whose ...
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Iran consistently violates diplomatic protection and international law

On April 1, 2024, a suspected Israeli airstrike destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, marking a significant escalation in regional tensions. The attack, resulting in the deaths of eight ...
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Iran unveils new Shahin-1 kamikaze Drone

Iran recently introduced its latest defense asset, unveiling the Shahin-1 kamikaze drone during a commissioning ceremony at the Deylaman helipad. Named Shahin-1, this tube-launched autonomous loitering munition
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ifmat - Fresh US sanctions target Iranian envoy to Yemen Huthi rebels

Fresh U.S. sanctions target Iranian envoy to Yemen’s Houthi rebels

The outgoing administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has stepped up its pressure on Iran by imposing sanctions on the country's ambassador to Yemen's Houthi rebels.
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