Russia’s foreign ministry says that it expects President Vladimir Putin and his Iranian counterpart to soon sign a new interstate treaty between the two countries that is in the final stages of being worked out.

Putin held five hours of talks in the Kremlin with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi last month amid growing political, trade and military ties between Moscow and Tehran that the United States and Israel view with concern.

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, tells reporters that the new treaty would consolidate the strategic partnership between Moscow and Tehran and cover the full range of their ties.

“This document is not just timely, but also overdue,” says Zakharova. “Since the signing of the current treaty, the international context has changed and relations between the two countries are experiencing an unprecedented upswing.”

The Kremlin in November said Russia and Iran were developing their relations, “including in the field of military-technical cooperation,” but declined to comment on a suggestion by the White House that Iran may be considering providing Russia with ballistic missiles.

Iranian authorities have said military cooperation with Russia is expanding day by day. Iran said in November it had finalized arrangements for Russia to provide it with Su-35 fighter jets, Mi-28 attack helicopters and Yak-130 pilot training aircraft.

Source » timesofisrael