In a report based on data from its Statistics and Documents Center, the Human Rights Organization Hengaw announced that at least 32 prisoners died in Iranian prisons and detention centers in 2023, with nine being political prisoners.

The report details the causes of death:

Torture: 11 prisoners
Delayed medical access: 9 prisoners
Prisoner fights: 3 prisoners
Suspicious deaths: 3 prisoners (shortly after release)
Suicide: 3 prisoners
Suspicious poisoning: 3 prisoners
Heart attack: 1 prisoner (pre-execution)
Direct fire by security forces: 1 fleeing detainee

Hengaw highlights specific cases, including:

Shirzad Ahmadinejad: A 2022 uprising detainee who died in March 2023 at Urmia Intelligence Department detention.
Musa Esmaili and Peyman Galvani: Kurdish political prisoners tortured to death in July 2023 at Urmia Intelligence detention.
Arman Sangi: A Kurdish political prisoner who died suspiciously in September 2023, three months after completing his sentence.
Hassan Jujeh Galvani: A political prisoner who died suspiciously a few months after his release, with his burial under strict security measures.
Sadegh Fuladiwanda: A 2022 uprising detainee tortured to death in February 2023 at Gachsaran Intelligence detention.
Ebrahim Rigi: A 24-year-old Baluch doctor tortured to death in March 2023 at Zahedan police station detention.
Javad Rouhi: A 2022 uprising detainee who died suspiciously in summer 2023 at Nowshahr Central Prison (cause officially listed as drug poisoning).
Mahmoud Rakhshani: A 19-year-old Baluch who died in hospital after falling into a coma due to torture in Zabol Intelligence detention center.

The report emphasizes that most deceased prisoners were serving sentences and highlights the lack of judicial oversight and prevalence of severe torture in detention centers, particularly in Kurdish regions. It concludes that these deaths constitute extrajudicial killings, reflecting widespread human rights violations and potential crimes against humanity under the International Criminal Court’s definition.

Hengaw’s report is not the first to raise concerns about suspicious prisoner deaths. In April 2023, Amnesty International reported 96 deaths attributed to medical neglect and denial of care in Iranian prisons, highlighting the regime’s disregard for human life and violations of the right to life.

Source » irannewsupdate