Shahin Firouzkouhi and Ali Daftari, two men sentenced to death for drug-related charges, were executed in Qazvin Central Prison.
According to information obtained by Iran Human Rights, two men were executed in Qazvin Central Prison on 3 May. Their identities have been established as Shahin Firouzkouhi who were both sentenced to death for drug-related charges by the Revolutionary Courts.
An informed said: “Shahin Firouzkouhi had been behind bars for around four years and had one child. Ali Daftar was from Sari and had also been in prison for four years”
At the time of writing, their executions have not been reported by domestic media or officials in Iran.
According to reports gathered by Iran Human Rights (IHRNGO), at least 256 people were executed for drug-related offences in 2022, a more than two-fold increase compared to 2021 (126) and ten times more than 2020 (25).
Source » shabtabnews