These individuals, refugees in European countries for over 30 years, are accused of terrorist acts committed 40 years ago. The proceedings against these 104 MEK members, referred to as hypocrites, began publicly on Tuesday, May 7, in Branch 11 of the Criminal Court of Tehran Province. Before delivering the final verdict, the judge declared:

“We warn the countries hosting these accused that sheltering these individuals is considered a crime under international terrorism conventions. Certain countries, like France, should reconsider their stance on hosting these accused, involved in terrorist activities and crimes against humanity, and cooperate with international organizations in compliance with the issued red notices. Additionally, the people of Albania, as hosts to these accused, should demand their government extradite them to Iran.”

It is clear that extraditing these “accused” to Tehran is impossible under European laws and traditions. But what are the goals of the Iranian regime in holding this trial and potentially with the final verdict?

Amid persistent internal pressure and growing protests, Tehran’s judicial maneuvers against the MEK aim at a multifaceted strategy. On one hand, they seek to counter the growing support for the MEK among the Iranian youth, to divert attention, and to launch unfounded accusations as part of its smear campaign against the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its main component, the MEK.

In his early May speech, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, expressed his significant concerns about the Iranian youth, known as the generation 2000, while announcing the creation of an organization similar to an intelligence department aimed at controlling the 7 million Iranian schoolchildren. He emphasized the necessity for students to “recognize friends and foes of their country and to understand the fundamental issues necessary for their country, which will neutralize other enemy propaganda. If our youth are prepared in this area, these enemy propaganda will be neutralized.” Khamenei’s fears are justified, as it is these young people who led the uprisings of 2019 and 2022, and who now, through thousands of resistance units, conduct poster campaigns against the wall of repression across Iran.

The regime’s plan and program primarily aim to lay the groundwork for terrorism on European soil, as well as to prepare for potential terrorist attacks against the MEK under the pretext of defending the regime against perceived “terrorists.”

In an interview with Le Parisien, the French Minister of Defense, Mr. Sébastien Lecornu, stated that the regime’s agenda aims to create instability in the region and in Europe. Is the Iranian theocracy also seeking to lay the groundwork for the assassination of opponents and to consider the court’s decision as a basis for its legitimacy? It also aims to obtain the prohibition or restriction of the activities of the Iranian resistance in Europe.

Until 2018, the regime had always sought to camouflage its alternative. However, following a major thwarted attack orchestrated by an Iranian diplomat against a gathering of the NCRI in Villepinte near Paris, the regime was forced to expose its alternative.

Regarding the war and carnage in the region, who can overlook the bloodstained hands of this atrocious regime in the war between Hamas and Israel, as well as in the crises and wars over the 45 years of the regime’s existence?

Source » atalayar