Vida Rabbani, an Iranian woman journalist, was denied conditional release by Branch 36 of the Tehran Court of Appeals.

Parto Borhanpour, Rabbani’s lawyer, announced the news on social media, stating the court justified its decision by citing the “need to punish such criminals” and “maintain public order.”

Rabbani, known for her work with various publications, including Shargh and Mordam Salar, has a long history of activism. She was arrested in September 2022 following protests sparked by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini.

In January 2023, she was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for “assembly and collusion against national security” and “propaganda against the Islamic Republic.”

The court’s justification for her imprisonment sheds a harsh light on the Iranian government’s treatment of journalists reporting on critical issues.

This is not Rabbani’s first brush with the government.

In 2021, she faced a 10-year sentence for urging participation in a protest against the downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane.

Iran’s suppression of female journalists is a global concern.

According to the Midpoint Journalism School, Iran was the world’s worst jailer of female journalists in 2023.

Their report documented 226 cases of media suppression, including arrests, trials, and restrictions.

Source » iranwire