In recent months, officials within the Iranian regime have expressed growing concern over the surge in popular protests and public discontent. Events such as the enforcement of the morality patrol under the pretext of hijab and the implementation of the Chastity and Hijab Bill have fueled public anger, exacerbated by the country’s dire economic situation.

Certain media outlets, particularly those aligned with the so-called reformist faction, have been issuing deceptive warnings to the public, advising against protests. This claim that their protests inadvertently bolsters the radical and principlist faction of the regime. The public, however, has long dismissed the regime’s factions, seeing no prospects for genuine reform within the current system.

In a recent article, the Ham Mihan newspaper highlighted the precarious situation:

“In a scenario where the chaotic economic conditions alone can lead to a buildup of anger, logic dictates that actions which add fuel to the fire should be avoided. A group is implementing provocative policies that stoke anger and dissatisfaction in society. The question is, why does this group engage in such actions? Are they not concerned about the social and political repercussions? Did the protests of 2022 not serve as a lesson to avoid repeating such mistakes?”

Ham Mihan further elaborated:

“Some believe that extreme ideology and beliefs are the main drivers behind behaviors that incite anger and protests. According to this perspective, certain individuals create anger and dissatisfaction through their policies. They are indifferent to the outcomes of these policies, viewing them merely as a ‘duty’.”

“It appears that rising dissatisfaction in society, if it leads to street protests, benefits this group. This ultra-revolutionary faction with extreme beliefs has consistently profited from such events and dissensions. In 2009, following widespread public protests, the extremist movement managed to eliminate its opponents under the pretense of combating ‘seditionists’. The political fallout from the protests of 2017 and 2019 is now clearer than ever.”

The article pointed out that during Hassan Rouhani’s second term, the harsh treatment of protesters led to a sharp decline in his popularity. The collapse of Rouhani’s government’s credibility and public disillusionment paved the way for the extremists’ easy victory in subsequent elections.

Since 2021, the faction that lost the elections and failed to secure power and resources has been notably disgruntled. These individuals now criticize recent popular protests, especially those in 2022, and urge the public to cease their demonstrations and remain silent.

Ham Mihan concluded with a stark assertion:

“Past protests may have yielded some social achievements for the public, but politically, at least in the short and medium term, they have not been beneficial. These protests not only failed to fulfill the political demands of the demonstrators but also provided a platform for an extremist group to exploit.”

The newspaper audaciously advises the public to refrain from protesting, even against the heinous murder of Mahsa Amini and thousands of other young people, to avoid giving the extremist group an opportunity to manipulate the situation to their advantage.

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