Over the decades, Iran’s people have paid a heavy price for freedom from the clutches of the evil regime of the mullahs. And although many brave people have laid their lives down for freedom, Iran lacks nothing to reach this final destiny.

The greatest asset of the Iranian people is the uprisings that have never ceased from June 20, 1981, to 1999, 2009, 2017, 2019, 2022, and now, and whose flames of demands have never been extinguished. These uprisings have gradually connected the demands of the initial pioneers and the subsequent ones, and now have matured into the demands of most of society. These uprisings are the principal common and national asset for rejecting any kind of dictatorship.

The evolution of the uprisings has clarified the positions and nature of forces with the criterion of their quality of demarcation from the rule of the current regime. This evolution, led by the organized resistance and the activities of PMOI Resistance Units inside and the National Council of Resistance of Iran across the globe—as the democratic alternative to the regime—has been characterized by the slogan “Neither Shah, nor mullahs.” Now, many ambiguities in Iran’s turbulent political atmosphere—where the main party causing confusion is the regime—are being resolved. The alignment towards a common goal, namely the overthrow of the entirety of the clerical regime, is a powerful asset and an effective provision on the path to Iran’s liberation.

Iranian society’s rejection of the entirety of the clerical regime is a substantial asset for shaping Iran’s destiny towards liberation and prosperity. We have witnessed this majority in the outcomes of the 2022 uprising, the massive boycott of the parliamentary elections in February 2024, and its continuation in May 2024, which has had a massive .

The intergenerational resistance against any kind of dictatorship is an asset perpetually poised for uprising, revolt, and revolution. The regime greatest fear is this asset, which, particularly in all the uprisings of the past two decades, has been ready for any opportunity to propel forward Iran’s struggle for freedom. The pioneers of uprisings from June 20, 1981, to now, and the political prisoners over these more than four decades, are indelible assets and the immediate assets for Iran’s liberation.

The expansion of the movement seeking justice for the blood of the 30,000 political prisoners massacred in the summer of 1988 has become a national, patriotic, and global call, an asset that continuously expands in scope and quality. One of the fears that haunts the entire clerical regime is the deep-rooted justice movement in every household in Iran. The popular and national reactions in hatred of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi—which crystallized the hatred of the entire regime—are an aspect of the people’s potential and assets for Iran’s liberation.

The resilient political prisoners standing against regression and dictatorship is an asset that, with its more than 90-year history, has perpetually intensified the nightmare of dictatorial and reactionary regimes.

Global revelations and activities by the Iranian Resistance and freedom-loving Iranians against the regime’s crimes, plundering, and terrorism in international forums, along with gaining the support of thousands of parliamentarians, jurists, scholars, and Nobel laureates, are a substantial asset in raising awareness of the Iranian people’s demands and gaining global credibility for the resistance and uprisings. This global credibility has become one of the political and human rights challenges against the clerical regime.

Expanding the organized resistance and struggle to negate the entirety of the ruling regime has become a crucial factor and the highest-quality asset for the liberation of Iran. This asset embodies all other assets and represents the highest stage of the mature path for overthrowing the clerical dictatorship. The Resistance Units, especially in the past six months, with their successive anti-oppression operations, have provided a material and tangible response to the necessity of organization in most cities of Iran.

Source » eurasiareview