A recently obtained insider report from the Iranian regime, marked as “confidential” and acquired by the Iranian dissident group “GhyamSarnegouni,” provides valuable insights into the thinking rooms of the Iranian regime. Through infiltrating the websites and servers belonging to the regime’s Presidential Organization, the group has gained access to internal communications of the highest officials and their decision-making processes. This report sheds light on the mindset of the regime’s leaders, offering a glimpse into their evaluation of domestic threats and their dealings with international opponents.

The report elucidates the regime’s motivations behind its pursuit of nuclear weapons, emphasizing the need to use these capabilities to secure a position in the evolving global order. It also reveals the underlying mindset driving the regime’s “look to the east policy,” which seeks to emulate China’s geo-economic strategies. However, in light of the regime’s deep concerns regarding popular uprisings, these policies are likely to manifest in increased social control measures, particularly in the realm of internet censorship and surveillance, which are seen as crucial for what the regime deems “security” in its shaky hold on power.

Moreover, the analysis highlights the impact of international sanctions on the regime’s agenda and emphasizes how the international community’s support for the uprising can increase the cost of the regime’s oppressive machinery, while significantly hampering Western appeasement. Additionally, the report sheds light on the regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is officially tasked with facilitating Western inaction and ensuring other countries turn a blind eye to the severe human rights violations within Iran.

However, it becomes evident that the strategic calculations outlined in the report do not align with the socio-economic realities on the ground. The analysis also reveals a strong pattern of blaming the United States for the country’s challenges, suggesting serious blind spots and negligence within the regime’s leadership.

Source » ncr-iran