Iran held talks in Qatar with the European Union’s Enrique Mora, who coordinates talks between Tehran and six powers on reviving a 2015 nuclear pact, top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani tweeted on Wednesday.

Talks between Iran and world powers to re-establish a 2015 accord meant to curb Tehran’s disputed nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief have stalled since last September.

“Had a serious and constructive meeting with Mora in Doha. We exchanged views and discussed a range of issues including negotiations on sanctions lifting,” Bagheri Kani said in a tweet.

In 2018 then-U.S. President Donald Trump exited the nuclear pact and reimposed sanctions on Iran, which in response breached the deal by rebuilding stockpiles of enriched uranium, refining it to higher fissile purity and installing advanced centrifuges.

Source » msn