NATO leaders also said that they ‘remain deeply concerned about Iran’s escalation of its nuclear program’

NATO leaders said on Tuesday that they were seriously concerned by Iran’s “malicious activities” within allied territory and urged Tehran to stop its military support to Russia.

“We express our serious concern over Iran’s malicious activities within Allied territory,” the U.S.-led defense alliance said in a communique at the NATO summit in Lithuania.

“We call upon Iran to cease its military support to Russia, in particular its transfer of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which have been used to attack critical infrastructure, causing widespread civilian casualties,” it added, stressing that Tehran’s support to the Russian invasion of Ukraine “has an impact on Euro-Atlantic security.”

NATO leaders also said that they “remain deeply concerned about Iran’s escalation of its nuclear program.”

“We reiterate our clear determination that Iran must never develop a nuclear weapon,” it said. “We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s escalation of its nuclear program.

“We call on Iran to fulfill its legal obligations under its Non-Proliferation Treaty-required safeguards agreement and political commitments regarding nuclear non-proliferation without further delay. … We also call on Iran to stop all ballistic missile activities inconsistent with UNSC Resolution 2231.”

In addition, NATO leaders warned Iran against the interception of vessels on the open waters of the Arabian Gulf. Incidents involving Iran’s seizure of oil tankers and other ships have increased in recent months.

“We also call upon Iran to refrain from destabilizing actions, including seizures of maritime vessels, and to play a constructive role in fostering regional stability and peace,” the communique said.

Source » i24news