In continuation to our exposure in “Iran International” about the cyberi companies “Najee Technology” and “Afkar System”, that are a part of the Cyber Command (2000) of the Intelligence Organization of Sepah, today we expose.

Terrorist no.1 : Hamid Reza Nemati, with the cover name Hamid Reza Na’imi – Commander of the Intelligence Organization Cyber Command (2000) of Sepah.

Terrorist no.2 : Ahmad Esfandi, with the cover name Ahmad Movahed – Commander of the Hacking Center of Cyber Command (2000).

ifmat - Najee Technology and Afkar System part of the Cyber Command 2000

These are the commanders of the cyber terrorists we have exposed – Mansur Ahmadi and Ahmad Khatibi.

The terrorists cyberi of “Najee Technology” and “Afkar System” who are super managed by Hamid Reza Nemati and Ahmad Esfandi attack civil targets in Iran and worldwide, and by blackmailing them they arrange themselves and the filthy regime a source of income. The scam of these companies with their commanders happens on the expense of our dear compatriots, our nation and international relations.

Also, Hamid Reza Nemati together with Reza Taghi-Poor (the former communications minister that is under surveillance of US for harming human rights) are in charge of internet blocking in our country. There is no limit to the disgust.

Hamid Reza Nemati on the one hand blackmails compatriots for ransomware and on the other hand blocks our internet.

You can contact this and demand justice:

Hamid Reza Nemati (Na’imi) – 09120204783
Ahmad Esfandi (Movahed) – 09129564885