Ofogh Toseeh Saberin Cyber Terrorist Company is another cover company of 300 unit in Quds Force. Majid Mashhadi Ebrahim, whose profile we exposed in the past, is the CEO of this company.

This company, registered with the code 10102067258, is an importer of spying equipment against the people of our nation, and by installing its equipment on the Milad Tower, it is responsible for disrupting the country’s satellite activities.

This company is sanctioned by two countries, America and Canada.

Majid Mashhadi Ebrahim

Majid Mashhadi Ebrahim Contact Number: 09121229419
Parents Name: Ali & Sharifa
Location: Tehran, Army Boulevard, Vali-e-Asr Town, End of Ettehad Alley, P11, Unit

ifmat - Ofogh Saberin Cyber Terrorist Company is another cover company of 300 unit in Quds Force

Source » lab_dookhtegan