“Iranian workers, men or women, who have been hired by a more desperate employer are waiting for a promised ‘it’ [referring to the change and uprising of the people] in these virus-struck days, hopeless about the opening of any door that he/she has knocked,” Iranian state-run daily Etemad wrote on October 28.

“Officials sitting in government seats and their supporters playing the role of oppressors should be afraid of this ‘it’. They should be very scared. From this ‘it’ which, when the time comes for it to appear, penetrates through the invisible seams of every advice and fence and protection and camouflage, and burns the roots and dries up the hopes, and does not even allow for regret and the effect of negligence. Officials sitting in government seats and government supporters should be afraid of this ‘it’. They should be very scared,” Etemad added.

The above paragraphs reflect the situation of the Iranian government, which after forty years of rule, has reached a stage that now most of its state-run media are warning about a situation worse than the November 2019 protests. Despite what the Iranian leaders are trying to show as the main culprit of this situation, the Seven Woes of Jesus Christ to the Pharisees can teach us very clear the main culprits, as he said:

“How terrible it will before you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you won’t let others enter the kingdom of Heaven, and you won’t go in yourselves. (Mat. 23:13)

“How terrible it will be for you teachers …and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! You shamelessly cheat widows out of their property, and then, to cover up the kind of people you really are, you make long prayers in public. Because of this, your punishment will be greater. (Mat. 23:14)

“Yes, how terrible it will be for you teachers …and you Pharisees. For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn him into twice the son of Hell as you yourselves are. (Mat 23:15)

“Blind guides! How terrible it will be for you! For you say that it means nothing to swear ‘by God’s temple’—you can break that oath. But then you say that it’s binding to swear ‘by the gold in the temple.’ Blind fools! Which is greater, the gold or the Temple that makes the gold sacred? And you say that to take an oath “by the altar” can be broken, but to swear ‘by the gifts on the altar’ is binding! How blind! For which is greater, the gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? [So] when you swear ‘by the altar,’ you’re swearing by it and by everything on it. And when you swear ‘by the Temple,’ you’re swearing by it and by God who lives in it. [In fact, even] when you swear ‘by Heaven,’ you’re swearing by the throne of God and by God who sits on the throne. (Mat. 23: 16-22).

“How terrible it will be for you teachers … and Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you’re careful to tithe even the tiniest part of your income, but you ignore the important things of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but you shouldn’t leave undone the more important things. Blind guides! You strain your water so you won’t accidentally swallow a gnat, then you swallow a camel. (Mat. 23:23-24)

“How terrible it will be for you teachers … and Pharisees. Hypocrites! You’re so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you’re filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisees! First, wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean too. How terrible it will be for you teachers …and Pharisees. Hypocrites! You’re like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity. You try to look like upright people outwardly, but inside your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. (Mat. 23:25-28).

“How terrible it will be for you teachers … and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you build tombs for the prophets your ancestors killed and decorate the graves of the godly people your ancestors destroyed. Then you say, ‘We never would’ve joined them in killing the prophets.’ In saying that, you’re accusing yourselves of being the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Go ahead: finish what they started. Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment of Hell?” (Mat. 23:29-33)

The warning of Jesus Christ to the hypocritical Pharisees has been fresh and influential for millennia; As if we are hearing it now. And Iran’s rulers should listen to this because what the above the state-run media is calling it ‘it’, referring to the people’s fury and uprising will happen very soon.

The heirs of the Pharaonic Khomeini Caliphate, after freeing up oil, petrochemicals, fisheries, mines, forests, and even mountains and seas for themselves and their nobles, have not stopped trying to bring the Iranian people to the status of their so-called ‘humanity’. The plans for the development of the world and the hereafter of the people have progressed to the point that people even risk the death of themselves and their children to escape the hell created by the ayatollahs. In other words, displacement, hunger, homelessness, humiliation, and finally death is more acceptable than the ‘heaven’ created by the ayatollahs.

“Emigration is the story of many who no longer hope for change and prefer to carry the burden of homelessness and think of a better future. What pressures and frustrations have made the citizens of one of the richest countries in the world prefer to flee at any cost?” Elham Khoshnamvand wrote in Ebtekar daily on 31 October.

Organ Market in Iran

Let us look at Iran today. This is just one example of legitimate trade in human organs; a bloody business just to survive and breathe in the hell of a place called the Islamic Republic.

“Some heads of households have turned to sell kidneys and livers to make a living and solve financial problems. In the meantime, a telegram channel with 140,000 members advertises the sale of kidneys and liver, and the liver is priced at 2 billion rials [$6,666], and kidneys from 1-1.5 billion rials [$3,333-5,000], depending on the age of the people and the type of blood,” Arman daily wrote on 31 October.

“There is not a day that someone does not text me [admin of a telegram channel selling kidneys and livers] to advertise the sale of his kidneys and liver, there were so many requests that we agreed to publish them. People are really in trouble, one of these people whom I know closely and who has donated 2 billion rials [$6,666] to his liver, his little child is sick and has a tumor on his head, he comes to Tehran from Bandar Jask to be treated. Each doctor has a diagnosis and has been living with his wife and four children in an inn on Railway Square for months. He sold his kidney last month, brokered half of his money, and now wants to sell part of his liver,” Arman added.

Source » iranfocus