Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Organization of American States designates Hamas as terrorist group

Organization of American States designates Hamas as terrorist group

"Hamas attacks constitute an attack against the peace and security of Israel and the region and make it imperative to categorize it as a terrorist organization," the 35 member-states-stong ...
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ifmat - Sen Cotton asks if AP reporters let Hamas use them as human shields

Sen. Cotton asks if AP reporters let Hamas use them as ‘human shields’

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) blasted the Associated Press Monday for its response to an Israeli airstrike over the weekend that took out a building housing the wire service’s Gaza ...
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ifmat - Hezbollah has dug tunnel network from Beirut to Israel border

Hezbollah has dug tunnel network from Beirut to Israel border

The Hezbollah terror group has dug a network of tunnels hundreds of kilometers long from Beirut to southern Lebanon, the Kan public broadcaster reported Monday.
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ifmat - Iran played key role in helping Hamas develop missiles to strike Israel

Iran played key role in helping Hamas develop missiles to strike Israel

Iran has played a key role in helping the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas to develop its missiles, enabling them to hit targets well inside Israel, according to a report ...
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ifmat - Iran regime organized smuggling network

Iran’s regime organized smuggling network

While the Iranian regime kills deprived porters under the pretext of smuggling, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and other regime institutions control the entire organized network of smuggling.
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ifmat - Al-Qaeda in Iran Threatens the US and Israel

Al-Qaeda in Iran Threatens the US and Israel

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was the first American politician to openly charge Iran with providing support for al-Qaeda, though the matter was not news to Congress. A ...
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