Hamas – Involved In

ifmat - Terror designation for Iran Revolutionary Guards a necessary first step

Terror designation for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a necessary first step

After this week, the Trump administration will not only be leading the United States down a different path with respect to the Iran nuclear deal...
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ifmat - We must challenge Iran’ human rights abuses

We must challenge Iran’s human rights abuses

Nothing has been a more serious test of the West’s will than Iran’s escalating human rights violations and crackdowns on domestic dissent...
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ifmat - Hamas leader Our differences with Iran are history

Hamas leader: Our differences with Iran are history

Salah al-Aruri, the deputy head of Hamas's political bureau and a sanctioned terrorist, stressed on Tuesday that the group and Iran have agreed...
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ifmat - Iran regime poses great danger to the Middle East

Iran regime poses great danger to the Middle East

A high-ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee has warned about the danger that Iran poses to US allies, like Israel, as it increases its political and military ...
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ifmat - FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

FOI requests over Iran deal and the role of IRGC

A Conservative organisation in the US has sent out Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests to four key agencies to uncover the truth about the 2015 nuclear deal..
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ifmat - Iran's revolutionary guards terror group

Iran’s revolutionary guards terror group

Soon after the Shah of Iran was forced from power in 1979, a small group of the uprising’s young leaders suggested the creation of a national guard
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