Hassan Nasrallah – Involved In

ifmat - Backed by Iran, Hezbollah capable of destruction on a whole new scale

Backed by Iran, Hezbollah capable of destruction on a whole new scale

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decried Hezbollah’s development of a network of tunnels across...
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ifmat - Hezbollah and Iran Regime regional scary strategy

Hezbollah and Iran Regime regional scary strategy

After about a decade of relative quiet on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, tensions are now again running...
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ifmat - Iran regime is meddling in Lebanon again

Iran regime is meddling in Lebanon again

Iran’s current efforts to increase its influence in Lebanon have not been adequately addressed by the international community...
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ifmat - Iranian regime is the basis of scourge in Middle East

Iranian regime is the basis of scourge in Middle East

One of Iran’s defensive tactics is to bribe and employ Arab traitors for stirring up unrest in their countries. These...
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ifmat - Why Houthis shout Death to America

Iran regime forces Yemen Houthis to shout ‘Death to America’

About 170 nautical miles off the coast of Oman, a small, stateless fishing vessel was intercepted in March 2016 by the HMAS Darwin...
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ifmat - The Iranian Modus Operandi

The Iranian Modus Operandi

Iran considers Israel an archenemy, and it is a highly sophisticated and clever antagonist. While in Lebanon and Syria, the rooting...
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