IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – Involved In

The Rise of Iran Regimes Intelligence Budget

Recently, Esmaeil Khatib, the Iranian regime’s Minister of Intelligence, confirmed a dramatic tenfold increase in the ministry’s budget under the 13th government. He asserted that this substantial funding boost
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A Palestinian State Will Serve as a Bridge for Iran’s Plan to Destroy Israel

The Biden administration adheres to the "two states for two nations" plan and sees it as a central component in shaping the Middle East post operation Swords of Iron. ...
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Iran seizes foreign-owned tanker in Persian Gulf over alleged fuel smuggling

UK-based security consultancy Ambrey has confirmed that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intercepted and detained a foreign-flagged commercial tanker transiting the northern Persian Gulf on Sunday
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IRGC intercepts UAE-managed tanker

Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) have intercepted a Togo-flagged, UAE-managed products tanker carrying 1,500 tons of marine gas oil, British security firm Ambrey said on Monday. The vessel had loaded ...
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Russia and Iran kick off joint naval exercise in Caspian Sea

The Iranian and Russian navies began joint maritime security exercises in Iran’s territorial waters in the Caspian Sea on 22 July, TASS news agency reported. “The maneuvers will involve ...
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IRGC Flexes Long-Range Capability With Converted Boxship

An Iranian warship sailing the deep waters of the Indian Ocean should set alarm bells ringing. The IRGC Navy (NEDSA) completed a pioneering long-range cruise in May, claiming to ...
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