Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi – Involved In

ifmat - Iran and Japan agree to boost defense cooperation

Iran and Japan agree to boost defense cooperation

Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami also congratulated Kishi Nobuo on his appointment as Japan’s defense minister.
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ifmat - Iran may pursue nuclear weapon intel minister warns West

Iran may pursue nuclear weapon intel minister warns West

Iran’s intelligence minister has warned the West that his country could push for a nuclear weapon if crippling international sanctions on Tehran remain in place, state television reported Tuesday.
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ifmat - Iran worldwide terrorist Modus Operandi

Iran’s worldwide terrorist Modus Operandi

Amid rising regional tensions, Iran continues to seek ways to target Israel and the United States abroad.
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ifmat - Iran expands foreign assassinations while decrying US killings

Iran expands foreign assassinations while decrying U.S. killings

The Iranian regime has expanded its clandestine program of foreign assassinations, renditions and harassment of dissidents and political opponents, according to a new report, while decrying the alleged use ...
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ifmat - Why rejection of Rouhani budget is a bigger battle than it seems

Why rejection of Rouhani’s budget is a bigger battle than it seems

In Iran, the hard-liners in parliament have rejected President Hassan Rouhani's draft budget proposal. They say it will lead to financial ruin but beyond some technical differences
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ifmat - Iranian rationale behind the New Delhi terrorist attack

Iranian rationale behind the New Delhi terrorist attack

The blast caused on January 29, 2021 by a “very low-intensity improvised device” outside the Israeli Embassy building in New Delhi is considered by Israeli and Indian authorities a ...
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