Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi – Involved In

ifmat - Why Iranians do not trust the Ayatollahs

Why Iranians do not trust the Ayatollahs

While the Iranian government has been surrounded by enormous crises and dilemmas inside the country and abroad, officials inevitably make damning confessions. In recent days, officials from both factions ...
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ifmat - Iran hostage taking must be met with firmness

Iran’s hostage taking must be met with firmness

Iran seized a South Korean-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz on January 4, something they tried to blame on the tanker polluting Iranian waters. However, many suspected that ...
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ifmat - Iran blackmail campaign increases with ship seizure and uranium enrichment

Iran’s blackmail campaign increases with ship seizure and uranium enrichment

Iran has increased its blackmail campaign over the past few weeks, with the intention of forcing the international community to agrees to its terms.
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ifmat - Claims by Hamas about 22 million from Soleimani sparks outrage in Iran

Claims by Hamas about 22 million from Soleimani sparks outrage in Iran

Recent statements by Mahmoud al-Zahar that Qassem Soleimani transferred bundles of cash to Gaza in 2006 is undermining Tehran’s propaganda campaign on the anniversary of the Quds Force commander’s ...
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ifmat - Nurses protest across Iran

Nurses protest across Iran

While protests are increasingly common across Iran, in spite of the dangers posed by both the coronavirus pandemic and the state security forces, these past few days have seen ...
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ifmat - Dangerous instability and hyperinflation - Iran Economy in 2021

Dangerous instability and hyperinflation – Iran’s Economy in 2021

In the latest World Bank estimate of the state of Iran’s economy, the statistics provided again show negative economic growth and the economy shrinking in the past three years.
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