ifmat - Iran saved Assad and is now trying to convert Syria to Shiism

Iran saved Assad and is now trying to convert Syria to Shiism

Former Syrian President Hafez al-Assad’s Baath Party regime was the first to recognize, and offer legitimacy to, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s Islamic revolution in Iran. But Assad was careful to never let Iran expand its influence in Syria ...
ifmat - Iran expands Shiite mosque network in Europe

Iran expands Shiite mosque network in Europe

Iranian rogue regime has already established a vast network of Shiite mosques and other Shiite organizations across Europe with the agenda of exporting its notorious activities.
ifmat - The Pope visit to Iraq and Iran Huff

The Pope’s visit to Iraq and Iran’s Huff

While the three-day visit to Iraq by the leader of the Catholic church Pope Francis ended on March 8, and most of the international media and leaders of the free world called it and especially the Pope’s ...